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Results for "tradition: "Cultural Studies""
Birthday of Lois Gibbs (PDP) Celebrating the dedication of a private citizen who became the leader of a grassroots environmental movement.
Birthday of Studs Terkel (PDP) Honoring the life and times of America's greatest chronicler.
Kent State Shootings Remembrance Day (PDP) Perspectives on the use of deadly force against protestors, in remembrance of those gunned down at Kent State.
Birthday of Edward R. Murrow (PDP) Remembering the television journalist who set a high bar for integrity and fearlessness.
Birthday of Amy Goodman (PDP) An award-winning journalist and writer who tirelessly advocates for the necessity of independent media.
Birthday of Adlai Stevenson (PDP) Exploring the vision of the American politician, governor, and UN ambassador.
Active Listening Suggestions and practical exercises for honing listening skills.
Celeste Headlee in We Need to Talk We become the evolution
Theodore Zeldin in Conversation We agree to cook the world together
Be Open to Others Starting a conversation that matters.